Our Services

Bureaucratic Services

In all government sanctioned productions under the Cash Rebate Scheme we look at the project at hand and do a thorough work flow analysis together with you as our first step. This important work will generate a step-by-step, department-by-department, line-by-line mutual cost budget that is submitted to The Malta Film Commission for cash rebate pre-approval. Kathleen, who has been working with the cash rebate system for many years, back to when it was only for the movie industry, is an expert. She will chair that rather complicated process for the incoming production company and will monitor and handle it throughout the filming. Remember … you will always be the beneficiary of the rebate. Not us. Not your broadcaster. You! We work with 100 % transparency and with digital purchase orders. All the many needed location and filming permits we also take care of. You just lean back and produce some good award winning stuff while we do the paperwork. After wrap, the audit process starts. We will submitt to the government auditors. Once all papers and documentations are handed in, the rebate will be in your accounts five months later or earlier. For questions about the Cash rebate read you can mail Kathleen and/or read the guidelines.


Logistics & Infrastructure

Logistics and infrastructure at large is – let’s face it – always a challenge.

Call Sheets

Prior to production we put a lot of hours and effort into gearing all units and departments to be able to work as smoothly as humanly possible by doing dummy tests of the daily call sheets for all departments thus limiting and hopefully removing any bumps before actual shoot commences. Call sheets will be published in print and also distributed digitally.



Transportation in Malta can be difficult. We offer all vehicles for all purposes. Crew and cast transportation by vans or busses. HOD transportation with rentals – with or without drivers. VIP limousines are
also available. Flatbeds, cherrypickers and cranes for construction. There are GPS systems in all cars. Remember to tell HODs that want to drive for themselves that traffic in Malta is fierce and that all traffic
drives in the ’wrong’ side of the road, that being the left side. All personnel flying in will be picked up at the Airport by Premiere Production assistants.


COM and Internet Solutions

Some productions work with WhatsApp distribution which many times makes sense. Smartphones with the appropriate apps and local phone numbers are usually a big part of any communication solution. At basecamp and production HQ high speed internet is of course installed for our back office staff as well as your production people. On locations simplex radios can also be a part of the solution.



Based upon your wishes we offer the best three meals a day catering solution for tv- and film crews in Malta. The price level is very affordable. We can adjust to special wishes for vegetarian or religious reasons. Crafts available as well. Water is always part of any production deal.



We offer some very attractive hotel deals. 4 and 5 stars hotels. VIP high end solutions as well. In some cases we have crew living in nice apartments. The earlier you communicate your wishes, the easier and often less expensive the accommodation solutions will be. Prices varies depending on season.


Locations and Permits

We secure all the locations and the permits associated with these that we mutually, prior to the production, have identified. Government permits, county permits, harbor permits, heritage permits EPA permits and so on.


Work Permits

For non-EU productions work permits sometimes apply. Please investigate this as early as possible as it might take weeks, even months, for these to go through. We will supply you with the appropriate invitations and do the paperwork.


Safety and Medics

We have a strong and battle proven safety solution. Depending on the nature of the production we decide with the producers and the insurance companies what is needed. Whatever it is, we can and will supply you with the necessary doctors, nurses, paramedics ambulances, hospitals etc. We also have on site safety managers and risk assessors ready to step in if the productions needs it.

TV/Film Production & Post-Production

Every production is different. Therefore going through a generic production doesn’t make so much sense. We would rather communicate our general approach to making line productions for and
with you. And that is: it must be fun. Tough, hard, filled with challenges. But fun! With that mutual philosophy established between us before the shoot starts, combined with a strong and thorough preparation, it is so much easier to solve the problems when they arise. And they do!
With regards to post production, we have a very solid alliance in Malta and can supply you with suites. AVID and Final Cut solutions. Color correction and sound are in the package as well.

Locations & Recce

Shooting in Malta would of course always be based upon you having access to the locations that fit into your project. We can supply you with almost anything but jungle and hundreds of miles of 4 kilometer high mountain ranges. Malta works for movie sets, water shoots (water tanks at MFC in Rinella), obstacle reality game shows, reality shows at large, rigged house reality shows, studio game shows and even CGI shoots. The castles are beautiful, Selmun Palace being an eight wonder of the world, the cities breathtaking, the rocks and cliffs magnificent. But these are just words. The only way forward is to come visit. We will of course liaise by mail and skype and by sharing footage and stills before you jump in to a plane, but nothing can substitute for an actual visit. A well prepared Recce, where we know what you are looking for in good time, can be undertaken in as little as 1-2 days. And for European based operations, well Malta is only a few hours away!